The Scorpion and the Dove (CD)
  • The Scorpion and the Dove (CD)

The Scorpion and the Dove (CD)

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(c) 2009
"The music was a revelation, and I anticipate having his CD playing on repeat in my car for quite some time. When Wes plays, it is clear that he feels the truth of his music through and through, as if the world only makes sense to him when he's holding his guitar and belting out lyrics... I give the album a resounding yes, with hopes that

(c) 2009
"The music was a revelation, and I anticipate having his CD playing on repeat in my car for quite some time. When Wes plays, it is clear that he feels the truth of his music through and through, as if the world only makes sense to him when he's holding his guitar and belting out lyrics... I give the album a resounding yes, with hopes that this will not be the last for Wes and his skillets." - Guilt Free Pleasures

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